Moxfield Deck Builder (2025)

1. Moxfield

  • Deck Building

  • A modern mtg deck builder

2. Reviewed: The Best Deck Builder for MTG - Draftsim

  • 19 dec 2023 · Moxfield has a ton of features and is a really well-designed site. It can also be used as a simplistic deck designer and an intricate database for a primer.

  • Deckbuilding is a very important aspect of Magic. It’s the backbone of each format, and you can’t really play the game without it. Today we’ll be looking at the best of the best, the cream of the crop, the ultimate deckbuilder. Join me on this adventure, this journey, this quest to find the one true deckbuilder.

3. Archidekt: MTG Deck Builder

  • Build your Magic the Gathering deck with Archidekt, a modern visual MTG deck builder. Search for cards, analyze your stats and compare prices, ...

  • Build your Magic the Gathering deck with Archidekt, a modern visual MTG deck builder. Search for cards, analyze your stats and compare prices, all without leaving the editor! Drag and drop your cards in or add them with our text input mode. Import from Arena, MTGO and any other deck list right into our text deck editor. Export your deck to Arena, MTGO and many other formats. Track your collection of cards a build with only cards that you own. Playtest / Fishbowl / Solitaire your deck with a modern playtester. Browse and edit with prices from TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom, Cardhoarder and Cardmarket. Build your decks with recommendation data from us and EDHREC.

4. MTG Deckbuilder | Find Your Cards - Card Kingdom

  • The Card Kingdom Deck Builder will allow you to shop for your deck using one simple form showing all of the cards you need and our prices for each ...


5. Deck Builder | Magic The Gathering | SCG - Star City Games

6. MTG Print

  • MTG Print is a free service offered by CardTrader to PROXY print Magic The Gathering decks with your home printer.

  • MTG Print is a free service offered by CardTrader to PROXY print Magic The Gathering decks with your home printer

7. cEDH Decklist Database - Competitive Commander Decks

  • A collection of Magic: The Gathering (MTG) decks from the Competitive Commander (EDH) Format.

8. ManaBox

  • Multiple markets · Powerful search with filters · Card scanning · Collection management · Deck builder · Deck charts · Powerful deck simulator · News feed.

  • The ultimate Magic: The Gathering companion

9. Commander deck Power level calculator | Magic: the Gathering MTG

  • Calculate the power level of any given commander deck. The score will range from 1 to 10.

10. MTG Deck Builder - deckstats

  • Build your Magic the Gathering deck with deckstats, your ultimate MTG deck builder. Access card prices, stats, a hand draw simulator, and much more to craft ...

  • Build your Magic the Gathering deck with deckstats, your ultimate MTG deck builder. Access card prices, stats, a hand draw simulator, and much more to craft the perfect deck.

11. Card Kingdom - Magic: the Gathering, MTG, Magic Cards, Singles, EDH ...

  • Magic The Gathering, magic cards, singles, decks, card lists, deck ideas, wizards of the coast, all of the cards you need at great prices at Card Kingdom.


12. Kaalia of the Vast (Commander) - EDHREC

  • Joey of the EDHRECast brings together 100 signature decks for a showcase of Commander content creator brilliance. Deck Filters. With, Without.

  • Popular decks and cards for Kaalia of the Vast

13. Commander clade the online velociraptor

  • ... Deck Tech Indoraptor the Perfect Hybrid online, Discuss Everything About ... Moxfield An mtg deck builder site for Magic online, Veloci Ramp Tor MTG ...

  • Commander clade the online velociraptor

14. Rakdos Slap (EDH / Commander) - deckstats

  • 23 uur geleden · Description. ... Please add some cards to the deck to see card suggestions.

  • Ancestral Statue, Animate Dead, Arcane Signet, Archfiend of Depravity, Archfiend of Despair, Archon of Cruelty, ...

15. Scryfall Search Reference

  • You can also search for individual cards that were sold in certain places with is:booster or is:planeswalker_deck , or specific types of promo cards with is: ...

  • Scryfall includes a large set of keywords and expressions you can use to find Magic: The Gathering cards

16. Sauron, the Dark Lord (Commander) - EDHREC

  • Alejandro builds a madness deck that makes a massive army, using Lazotep Chancellor as it's pauper commander!

  • Popular decks and cards for Sauron, the Dark Lord

17. 225th "Yu-Gi-Oh!" Championships, Regional Qualifiers Cancelled

  • 15 mrt 2020 · Magic: The Gathering Deckbuilder Moxfield Announces Social Network ... A Magic: The Gathering deckbuilding website called Moxfield has announced a ...

  • Konami has decided after much deliberation to cancel the Yu-Gi-Oh! 225th Championship Series event as well as many foreseeable Regional Qualifier events.

18. MTG Print: Proxies Printing

  • ... decks from Moxfield, TappedOut and more ... To create your own card, use MTGcardBuilder for free. Upload custom cards. Foil Alert. Load Deck. Or explore the ...

  • MTG Print. Magic: the Gathering proxy printing and sets visual spoiler in English. Enter your card list and download a PDF ready for printing. You can also import decks from Moxfield, TappedOut and more!

19. MTG Deck Builder —

  • Tibalt's Trickery feature for The Devil Made me do it,… Desert Power by antacidbrn · Desert Power ...

  • T/O

Moxfield Deck Builder (2025)


How to copy a Moxfield deck? ›

This method assumes you have the current version of your deck already on Moxfield.
  1. Duplicate your deck (click the three dots near "More").
  2. Edit out the copy until you're satisfied with the changes.
  3. Click the three dots near "More" and choose "Compare".
Jan 28, 2023

What is the best MTG deck builder? ›

Moxfield - MTG Deck Builder.

What is moxfield reddit? ›

Moxfield is a deck builder website for Magic: the Gathering®

Can you scan cards into Moxfield? ›

Use your phone camera to scan your entire collections and seamlessly import everything to your Moxfield library for effortless deck building!

How many faceless cards are in a deck? ›

The number of non-face cards are present in a deck of 52 cards are 40.

Is Moxfield legit? ›

Moxfield is the frontrunner for the coveted Draftsim best deck building website award. Moxfield's deck builder is the cleanest to use, and it's on the same screen as the deck view page. Moxfield's playester won't let you load multiple players into a game, but it does have some of the best UI I've ever used.

Does Moxfield have an app? ›

Everything we make on Moxfield works on any device or screen size. We will also be releasing a native mobile app for Android and iOS. The app will mostly be a wrapper for the website, with some additional native capabilities like push notifications.

What is a Tier 1 magic deck? ›

To answer your questions after that explanation: Generally, a "tier" is a rough idea of a deck's competitive chances. A deck like Delver is tier 1 because you can usually expect to do well with it, regardless of what you face. It's strong and consistent.

Does Moxfield have a collection? ›

In addition to adding individual cards to your collection, you can also import entire collections using the import tool. The import tool will convert a CSV file into a Moxfield collection.

How many lands should be in a Commander deck? ›

The optimal deck for a two-mana or three-mana Commander, if you want to optimize your expected compounded mana until turn seven, consists of 42 lands, one Sol Ring and zero Signets.

When was Moxfield created? ›

Moxfield is a closed-source passion project created by Harry Finocchiaro and John Tull. Moxfield has been in the making since 2013, but didn't fully become a reality until July 1st, 2019 when we announced it on Reddit. Since then we've been working hard on adding the features that the community has asked for.

What is the card limit in Moxfield? ›

Draw (Colourless and 2+ Colours) - Turns out Moxfield has a 1000-card limit, so I had to split the Draw collection into 2 parts.

What is the sideboard in Moxfield? ›

The sideboard isby definition, a part of your deck that you present to your opponent and cards that you must own.

How do you copy an entire deck in Anki? ›

In the deck browser, you should be able to right click on the card you want to duplicate and choose “Create Copy”. You can keep or change the Note Type and pick another Deck in the window that pops up. You can also export to a text file and import again to duplicate cards.

Can you copy decks in Hearthstone? ›

Copying a Deck

If your deck is already full, when you select the Hero portrait at the top of a deck in your collection, you'll see a Copy button. Press that button and your decklist will be copied to your clipboard.

How do you copy a deck in MTG? ›

Copying a deck in MTG Arena is pretty straightforward! First, find the deck you wanna clone. Then, go to your collection, find that deck, and look for the 'Copy' button – it's usually at the bottom of the deck details. Hit that, and boom, you've got yourself a copy!

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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Views: 6590

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (57 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.