Ideal Indoor Humidity (With Chart) For Maximum Comfort (2024)

Are you sure that the indoor air that you are breathing is healthy? One way to improve the quality of the air is to maintain a good relative air humidity.

But what is the ideal indoor humidity level? Find out with our helpful chart! Keeping the proper amount of moisture in your home ensures that it is livable and comfortable.

Table of Contents

Ideal Indoor Humidity Chart

Adjusting to the ideal humidity level in your home is one way to promote good, healthy air quality and help regulate the temperature. Use this indoor humidity chart as a guide to keeping a comfortable environment for you and your famiily.

Ideal Indoor Humidity (With Chart) For Maximum Comfort (1)

What is the Ideal Indoor Humidity Level Overall?

Indoor humidity refers to the amount of water vapor measured in the atmosphere of your living space.

The measurement is different throughout the year because the amount of moisture in the air changes every season.

It also depends on the climate conditions of your location. For example, humidity levels in the summer months are higher than in winter.

Different reliable sources have varying views on the best level of humidity indoors. The ideal humidity level indoors is within the range of 30% and 50%. For HVAC, it should be a bit higher at 40% to 50%. Other sources think the ideal range is 40% to 60%.

The Perfect Level

We can assume that there’s no final agreement on the perfect moisture levels with all this information. That’s because the optimal humidity for appropriate comfort levels depends on many factors. Take your preference, season, activities, and health into account.

But it does not mean that trusted online sources are wrong. The ideal levels of humidity they provided exist in an acceptable range. For example, one sign that your room is too humid is the presence of mold. Some form above 50% humidity, while others form at 60%.

Extremely high or low humidity levels are uncomfortable and unhealthy. They can make your allergy symptoms worse or cause respiratory issues.

Why You Should Control Your Indoor Humidity

Ideal Indoor Humidity (With Chart) For Maximum Comfort (2)

Some people overlook the importance of measuring indoor humidity. They prioritize creating the best temperature or predicting the weather.

But tracking the humidity is also necessary since it affects your overall health and comfort.

A lack of humidity can result in infections, illnesses, and dry skin. It also causes damage to flooring and wooden objects.

However, very high humidity can also result in overheating and the growth of mold spores on furniture.

Keeping your humidity under control is not a daunting task. The first step is understanding the ideal humidity values and ensuring your home stays within that range.

Ideal Indoor Humidity in Winter

A range of 30% to 40% is the optimal humidity for the winter season and colder climates in general. If you’re wondering why our expected levels are low, it’s because cold air equates to dry air. When we experience a cooler temperature, a dry feeling always follows.

Even if you have a high relative humidity percentage, the level of moisture vapor is still low. This exact amount of vapor is called absolute humidity. It could also be because you just got out of the shower or boiled water for pasta,

During winter, keep a humidifier to control humidity levels and avoid dry skin and throat. It will allow you to feel more comfortable and moisturized.

Ideal Indoor Humidity in Summer

Ideal Indoor Humidity (With Chart) For Maximum Comfort (3)

The ideal humidity in summer can go anywhere from 40% to 50%, depending on the outdoor temperatures. Maintain this sweet spot, so your home feels more comfortable even during hot summer days.

High Temps

Hotter temperatures usually lead to higher humidity levels. Many people associate high humidity with sunny days because warm air has more capacity for moisture. Approximately 68 degrees of air temperature can carry ten times more water than 32 degrees.

This scientific fact also explains why it’s usually hot before it rains. The air feels thicker and heavier, making physical activities more challenging.


Beware of excessive moisture as it can damage furniture because of harmful mold growth. It can also warp your wooden objects and make your house less attractive.

Breathing excess moisture in the summer can also make you sick. For these reasons, it’s necessary to control the humidity levels at home during summer.

Effects of High Humidity

Excessive humidity occurs when the measurement exceeds 60%. This high level is more common in hot weather and warm locations like the South. Here are some effects of a humid environment.


Ideal Indoor Humidity (With Chart) For Maximum Comfort (4)

Excess humidity in the air can disrupt your body’s natural way to cool itself, leaving you dehydrated.

A temperature of 88 degrees in the summer may seem normal. However, its equivalent humidity of 75% makes it feel like it’s 105 degrees, which causes overheating.

Increased Sweating

One of the concerns about humidity is its association with increased perspiration. High humidity means a higher temperature, which also means more sweating.

The poor air circulation also interferes with sweat evaporation. You’ll feel stickier because the moisture stays and feels hotter.

Itchy Skin

When the sweat stays longer on your skin, you become more vulnerable to allergies. You may experience dermatitis, eczema, heat rash, or asthma. The moisture clogs your sweat glands and makes your skin itchier and more swollen.

Mold and Mildew

A high humidity level produces conditions for mold growth. Your home, especially the damp parts, becomes a breeding ground for mold, which causes asthma and allergies. It can also destroy your books, soft furniture, carpets, musical instruments, and ceilings.

Humid weather also leads to mildew. Mildew is the grey or white patch you see on windowsills, shower curtains, and tiles.

Effects of Low Humidity

When the cool weather makes the humidity drop to 30% or lower, the likelihood of developing health concerns increases. Take a peek at the expected impacts of low humidity.

Dry Throat and Skin

Ideal Indoor Humidity (With Chart) For Maximum Comfort (5)

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night because of a scratchy, irritated throat? That’s because cold, dry air can cause an inflamed throat. The lack of humidity causes the air to obtain water vapor from your respiration and pores.

The air’s ability to suck up moisture during cold weather makes your skin, nose, and lips dry. Allergy sufferers experience worse flare-ups because of the compromised moisture barrier.

Costly Damage to Your Home

Damage to wood floors, furniture, and drywall can occur due to low humidity. Your books, artworks, and important documents may also cause extensive damage. Protect these paper materials by constantly monitoring the humidity levels at home.

Respiratory Issues

Dry living space also causes respiratory infections since viruses survive longer in dry areas. Low humidity also makes infective aerosols eliminate their mass. So, when someone sneezes, the air removes the droplets while the virus floats.

Tips for Increasing Indoor Humidity

There are many methods you can try to add extra moisture to your home. Here are some effective solutions.

Get a Humidifier

Ideal Indoor Humidity (With Chart) For Maximum Comfort (6)

Humidifiers come in many types and sizes. Just fill the device’s tank with water. Turn it on, and it will release the liquid into the air to create a mist. A humidifier is relatively affordable and easy to operate.

A cool-mist humidifier is a safe option for you. Unlike warm-mist ones, it does cause burns. Ultrasonic models also make zero noise so you can sleep better while it enhances your indoor air quality.

Make sure to get an ultrasonic, cool mist humidifier that is big enough to cover your entire living space. Otherwise, it won’t affect your relative humidity levels. You should also clean and empty the device to avoid contaminants.

Place Your Plants Indoors

Your houseplants can add humidity at home through evapotranspiration. If you water them often, the water from the soil circulates to the roots, stems, and leaves. From the leaves, the water evaporates and moistens the air.

Make the most out of your plants by making them indoor decorations. However not all plants can humidify and purify your air. Here are some species you can keep inside your home:

  • Jade plant.
  • Spider plant.
  • English Ivy.
  • Areca Palm.
  • Boston Fern.
  • Peace Lily.

Don’t let your plants dry up and wither from releasing too much moisture. Water them regularly!

Take a Hot Shower

Taking a hot shower and leaving the door open lets the steam escape into your whole space. Aside from increasing your indoor humidity, it also prevents too much moisture in the bathroom.

But if you don’t want to open your bathroom door, leave your bathtub full after bathing with an open door. Allow the hot water to evaporate into the air and humidify your room.

Hang Your Laundry Indoors

Ditch the dryer and let your clothes air-dry inside your home. Hang them on a drying rack for the air to evaporate and increase your humidity. It’s an affordable solution, especially if you already have a drying rack.

Tips for Lowering Indoor Humidity

Follow these tips if the high humidity levels start to smell like mildew and make your hands clammy.

Turn on Your Air Conditioner

The air conditioner instantly gets rid of humid air by making your room cooler. Frequently change the filter, so your humidity levels stay consistent. Otherwise, it will restrict airflow and keep your space warm.

Turn on all exhaust fans if you don’t want to use your air conditioner. Even if you’re not cooking or showering to eliminate humid air, keep them on.

Get a Dehumidifier

Ideal Indoor Humidity (With Chart) For Maximum Comfort (7)

Dehumidifiers are the most effective way to reduce indoor humidity. This electrical device reduces moisture levels in the air, along with musty odor and mildew. Contrary to a humidifier, a dehumidifier sucks up excess water in the air to minimize allergy-triggering dust.

By reducing dust and mold, you also reduce the chance of sneezing, eye irritation, and wheezing. You also avoid invaders, such as co*ckroaches, spiders, and silverfish.

Another benefit of using one is that it reduces your energy costs. Your HVAC unit operates more efficiently since your air conditioner doesn’t have to remove much moisture, thanks to your dehumidifier.

Take Cooler Showers

Hot showers release steam into the air to make your room more humid. While a hot bath feels more relaxing, it also feels less comfortable in terms of the overall atmosphere. A lukewarm to a cold bath will help you reduce indoor humidity.

If you can’t give up hot showers, keep them shorter. The longer you shower, the more water vapor evaporates.

Fix Your Walls

Walls with holes and cracks can make your room moist because of the outdoor air. On warm days, the moisture seeps into these holes through condensation. Your wall gets even more damaged, allowing more water, mold, and mildew to enter.

Measure Indoor Humidity

Ideal Indoor Humidity (With Chart) For Maximum Comfort (8)

An essential tip to maintaining a comfortable atmosphere is regularly monitoring the humidity with a digital hygrometer. This tool helps you measure the amount of moisture present in your house.

Place it in your living space away from your kitchen, bathroom, doors, and windows. The correct placement will make sure that the readings are accurate and reliable.

How It Works

A digital hygrometer will alert you when the humidity is too high or low. This way, you’ll be more proactive about creating a healthy living space. It should also have a comfort indicator for readability and convenience.

An analog hygrometer also works well if you don’t have a digital hygrometer. However, it won’t have trend indicators and smartphone application features.

If you don’t have a humidity sensor, perform an ice cube test to check if there is an abundance or lack of moisture in the air. Place three ice cubes in a glass full of water and mix. After a few minutes, if there is moisture outside the glass, it means the air is dry.

Final Words

Whether you live in a tropical or snowy zone, ideal indoor humidity can make your home more comfortable. Not only are you less likely to get sick, but your home stays looking good as new.

If you have more questions about indoor humidity, share them in the comments below! Remember, the appropriate humidity range to maintain is between 30% and 50%.

Ideal Indoor Humidity (With Chart) For Maximum Comfort (2024)


Ideal Indoor Humidity (With Chart) For Maximum Comfort? ›

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the best indoor relative humidity falls between 30% and 50%, and it should never exceed 60%. Other studies suggest 40% to 60% is a better range. Regardless, 60% seems to be the agreed-upon threshold for indoor humidity. A humidistat.

What should indoor humidity levels be for health and comfort? ›

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the best indoor relative humidity falls between 30% and 50%, and it should never exceed 60%. Other studies suggest 40% to 60% is a better range. Regardless, 60% seems to be the agreed-upon threshold for indoor humidity. A humidistat.

What is the highest safe indoor humidity? ›

The ideal humidity range for a home should be between 40% and 60%, as anything outside of this range could lead to several problems such as respiratory discomfort, dry skin, and eyes, or even mold growth.

What is the relative humidity for indoor comfort? ›

Most people find that a relative humidity between 30 to 60 percent is the most comfortable, with indoor humidity ideally between 30 to 50 percent.

What is the comfort zone for humidity? ›

ASHRAE Standards specify ideal comfort ranges of 68º to 74º at 40% to 60% relative humidity in the winter months and 73º to 79º at 40% to 60% relative humidity in the summer months. To effectively evaluate current indoor conditions, you'll need to measure room relative humidity and temperature.

What is the best humidity level for sleeping when sick? ›

It is important to have a good indoor climate to start with in order to prevent viruses and bacteria from settling at all. That means ensuring that the humidity is always between 40 and 60% as with sufficient humidification, mucous membranes are better able to act as a barrier to viruses and bacteria.

What is the best humidity level for sinus problems? ›

It's ideal to keep the humidity in your home between 30% and 50%. Humidity that's too low or too high can cause problems. Low humidity can cause dry skin. It also can bother the inside of the nose and the throat.

What humidity does mold grow in? ›

Relative humidity greater than 60 percent is likely to result in condensation in the building, which can lead to mold growth.

What is a dangerously humid indoors? ›

High humidity over 60% can encourage mold and mildew, and damage furniture, wallpaper, paintwork, floors, and brickwork. To help combat high humidity problems, heat your home properly, use ventilation, and keep moisture-creating activities to a minimum.

Does AC lower humidity? ›

Air conditioners reduce the humidity in the air in your home through its regular processing to cool the air. Refrigerant pumps through the evaporator coils making the temperature of the coils drop below the dew point.

What is ideal indoor humidity with air conditioning? ›

The answer to "What should humidity be in a house with air conditioning" is that humidity levels should fall between 30% and 50%. Humidity levels should increase when the temperature climbs and drop as temperatures begin to fall. Even with an air conditioner running full-blast, humidity levels shouldn't dip below 30%.

What is the most comfortable room temperature and humidity? ›

Monitor and maintain ideal home humidity and temperature: The EPA recommends indoor humidity stays between 30% and 60%. Comfortable room temperatures are generally considered to be around 68° Fahrenheit. At night, some sleep experts recommend keeping a bedroom around 65°F.

What is the ideal absolute humidity level? ›

Humans can be comfortable within a wide range of humidities depending on the temperature—from 30 to 70%—but ideally not above the Absolute (60 °F Dew Point), between 40 % and 60 %.

What is the comfort chart for air conditioning? ›

The Comfort Chart is a psychrometric chart that shows temperature on the X-axis and humidity index on the Y-axis. Since humidity index is fairly unknown, relative humidity curves are also shown. On the psychrometric chart, a comfort zone is identified to indicate the comfort limits defined for this zone.

What is the comfort index for humidity? ›

What is considered comfortable humidity is often discussed as ten degrees higher. The ASHRAE Standards indicate the following ideal range of comfortable temperatures for home humidity levels in the 40 to 60% range, based on the season: Summer: 73 to 79 degrees Fahrenheit. Winter: 68 to 74 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is the maximum humidity for human comfort? ›

Humans generally feel comfortable between temperatures of 22 °C to 27 °C and a relative humidity of 40% to 60%. first cool the air to 14 °C (this removes some of the water from the air), and then heat the air to 24 °C. the heat and mass of water removed in the cooling phase, and the heat added in the heating phase.

What is the ideal humidity level in a sick house? ›

An indoor humidity level of between 40-60%RH has been scientifically proven to combat airborne flu infections. This ideal humidity level shortens the time airborne flu remains infectious.

Is 70 humidity too high indoors? ›

Anything under 30% is too dry, and over 50% is too high. To maintain the right home humidity levels, you can use a natural, portable, or whole-home humidifier, or a dehumidifier if needed. Ideal in-home humidity levels should hover around 45%. Anything under 30% is too dry, and over 50% is too high.

Is 65 humidity too high in a house? ›

The Health and Safety Executive recommends that relative humidity indoors should be maintained at 40-70%, while other experts recommend that the range should be 30-60%. Most people find 30-60% most comfortable and this is the level that Airthings recommends.

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