Matador 64

30th Anniversary
Slot: Arc | Ammo:
Special | Archetype: Precision
PvP God Roll: Perpetual Motion + Opening Shot (also good: Killing Wind)
► Matador 64 is one of the best Shotguns in the game. Being part of the Precision Frame family gives it a boost, but its excellent perks bring it the extra mile, with Opening Shot and Perpetual Motion both being high-value perks.

Felwinter's Lie

Slot: Solar | Ammo:
Special | Archetype: Aggressive
PvP Preferred Perks: Surplus + Opening Shot (also good: Slideshot)
► Felwinter's Lie is the shotgun you use if you don't have a good Matador 64 or Compass Rose. It is a solid Shotgun with Opening Shot, and you can't go wrong with it, but it will be outclassed by the best-in-class alternatives.

The Supremacy
Sniper Rifle

Forsaken Pack
Slot: Kinetic | Ammo:
Special | Archetype: Rapid-Fire
PvE God Roll: Rewind Rounds (also good: Lead from Gold) + Bait and Switch (also good: Focused Fury)
PvP God Roll: Snapshot Sights (also good: Discord) + Opening Shot
► The Supremacy had a small fanbase upon initial release, but its popularity has only grown since its reissue in Season of the Deep. With strong perks, excellent stats, and the ability to be crafted, there's really nothing holding The Supremacy down.


Slot: Stasis | Ammo:
Special | Archetype: Precision
PvP God Roll: Quickdraw (also good: Slideshot) + Opening Shot
► As Precision Shotguns are clearly at the top of the Shotgun meta right now, some will argue that Fractethyst is the best PvP Shotgun in the game. Excellent base stats and top-tier perks make Fractethyst a sought-after weapon among PvP players.

Sniper Rifle

Beyond Light Pack
Slot: Solar | Ammo:
Special | Archetype: Adaptive
PvP God Roll: Snapshot Sights + Moving Target (also good: Quickdraw)
► Arguably the community's favorite legendary sniper in the entire franchise, this "beloved" weapon is back and better than ever before. With low zoom, high aim assist, the ability to be crafted, and Snapshot Sights, it's no wonder Beloved is so popular in PVP.

Mercurial Overreach
Sniper Rifle

Slot: Arc | Ammo:
Special | Archetype: Adaptive
PvP God Roll: Snapshot Sights (also good: Discord) + Opening Shot (also good: Moving Target)
► Mercurial Overreach is a beast in The Crucible. With great stats, solid and unique perks, and a clean scope, it's no wonder why Guardians are beginning to prefer this over Beloved.

Fusion Rifle

Slot: Stasis | Ammo:
Special | Archetype: Rapid-Fire
PvE God Roll: Auto-Loading Holster (also good: Compulsive Reloader) + Chill Clip
► Thanks to Crucible focusing and Chill Clip's ability to combat all champions, Riptide is not only a must-have weapon; it's also extremely easy to get. Riptide currently dominates the PvE meta, and TTK changes to Rapid-Fire fusions mean this could be a welcome addition to a PvP loadout.

Indebted Kindness

Lightfall Dungeon Key
Slot: Arc | Ammo:
Special | Archetype: Rocket-Assisted
PvE God Roll: Beacon Rounds (also good: Impulse Amplifier) + Voltshot (also good: Adagio)
► Dropping from Warlord's Ruin, Indebted Kindess is the hot weapon to farm for. With the right roll, this goofy little sidearm can actually be the highest DPS special weapon in the game thanks to Adagio or Surrounded. It can even turn into a different damage type thanks to Permeability.


The Final Shape
Slot: Kinetic | Ammo:
Special | Archetype: Precision
PvE God Roll: Lead From Gold + Recombination or Cascade Point
► Someday is arguably one of the strongest Shotguns in the game. With an excellent Precision Frame, brilliant base stats and a very nice perk pool, it's easy to see why Someday is one of the most used Shotguns in PvP right now. It also has some good PvE perks too, making it even better.

The Call

The Final Shape
Slot: Strand | Ammo:
Special | Archetype: Rocket-Assisted
PvE God Roll: Lead from Gold (also good: Demolitionist) + One for All (also good: Desperate Measures)
► In PvE, The Call is outstanding. While its offerings mostly coincide with Indebted Kindness, its unique Strand element allows it to roll with more unique options as well. Regardless, The Call’s outstanding archetype and well-rounded perk pool are sure to make the weapon a PvE staple.

Aberrant Action

Episode 1: Echoes
Slot: Solar | Ammo:
Special | Archetype: Rocket-Assisted
PvE God Roll: Heal Clip (also good: Beacon Rounds) + Incandescent (also good: Demolitionist)
► Without Lead from Gold, many high-end PvE players will naturally opt for Aberrant Action’s predecessors. However, its ability to roll with Solar-related perks can’t be understated, and this is the primary draw to the weapon.